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It’s a no-brainer. 3 reasons you should blog.

October 6, 2016

For every how-to question out there, you’ll find a few pages of search results on Google.  I mean, for crying out loud, you can even Google, “How to drink water,” and you’ll have your hands full with content for at least a few hours.


It’s just how things are, though.  Anyone can blog, and the people who are blogging will soon outnumber the people who aren’t blogging.  And all you non-bloggers out there will eventually be snuffed out by all us “certified content creators.”

But, alas, at the end of the day… whether you consider yourself an avid blogger or not… routine blog postings are incredibly beneficial for your website and for your company as a whole.  Which is why there are so many random blogs written over and over again by so many random companies.


But… why exactly is blogging good for business?  Well, it’s simple really.

It helps you gain credibility.

When you write about things you know and things you work with every day, it can help your business improve its reputation.  People will start to view your company as a credible source for information and as the “go-to” for your area of expertise.  When people feel this way about your business, the more likely it is that they will use your products or services over the competition’s.

It helps you be more useful.

On occasion, the content you push out can be legitimately useful for your target market.  People will not only appreciate this material, but they might actually need it, too.  And if this is the case, you can use your blogs as a means to connect with more consumers.  Share it on social media, email it to your prospects, or use it as reference material when current customers are struggling with things.  Blogs can easily transform into an interesting and engaging way to increase your value proposition.

It helps you gather traction.

When it comes to your website, blogging is crucial.  It’s one of the most well-known ways to increase traffic to a website.  Using Long Tail Keywords, specifically, can improve the odds of someone accidentally landing on your site.  For example, say you own a sporting goods store.  If someone Googles something like, “best shoes for hiking,” and you’ve already written a blog on hiking gear, this person could potentially end up on your site… and then, inside your store.

But even if that person doesn’t end up inside your brick-and-mortar, they’ve still clicked on your blog.  And at the end of the day, any little click helps.  The more they click, the more you’ll rise in the search rankings and the easier it will be for people to find your business.