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November 2, 2015
The future of passwords separated into 3 categories

Passwords are slowly reaching their point of extinction, emphasis on the slowly.  It’s too easy to create a weak password, and it’s way too easy to crack one; therefore, something must be done, and everybody knows it. It simply boils down to the ‘when.’  When will society overcome the convenience associated with a password and […]

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October 20, 2015
Keep your phone alive with these 7 tips

When your phone breaks, it’s on par with the death of a loved one, worse than a large asteroid falling to earth and only slightly better than running out of a coffee on a Monday morning.  We’ve all been there at one point—lost, alone and shunned from society, reeling from the aftermath of a broke-down, […]

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October 6, 2015
4 Simple Ways to Keep your Employees Happy

If you want to retain your employees, you better make sure they’re happy.  In a way, your staff is like your children.  Do they feel loved?  Appreciated?  Supported?  Because if not, once they’re all grown, they’ll leave you and never look back… Happy employees won’t just stick around; they are motivated, loyal and in it […]

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September 20, 2015
How vulnerable are your credit cards?

For some reason, data breaches keep popping up to say hi; they follow us everywhere we go. In 2014 alone, Data Breaches could have taken you out to dinner (P.F. Changs), remodeled your home (Home Depot), picked up your groceries (Albertsons), shipped that package for you (UPS), taken you for some ice cream (Dairy Queen), […]

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August 15, 2015
New Android Security Flaw Renders Devices Useless

Days following the announcement of a security flaw in Android’s media playback system Stagefright, a new security vulnerability has been discovered. According to security firm, Trend Micro, the new security threat affects all devices running Android 4.3 to the present version, 5.1.1. That’s around 57% of all Android devices in use today— or more than […]

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