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People on phones
August 24, 2016
6 apps every smartphone user should download

There are some apps that no smartphone user should ever go without.  They’re beautiful.  They’re free.  And they’re here for the long haul. Snapchat Snapchat is the one that got away – from Facebook that is.  This social media platform is unlike any other and is only rising in use, popularity, and potential for engagement.  […]

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desk with plant glasses lamp paper
August 17, 2016
4 simple ways to create a more productive office

Simply put, workplace productivity is a crapshoot.  Your ability to remain productive hinges on so many random, off-the-wall, and sometimes contradictory factors that you never know what you’re going to get for the day. It could be a burrito you ate for dinner the night before or a coworker who had a rough morning and […]

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August 15, 2016
Everything you need to know about Two-Factor Authentication

Over the last few years, passwords have become less and less effective at securing online accounts. People have become lazier – creating one really simple password and then reusing it for every account.  Hackers have become smarter – finding new ways every day to better target people.  And the internet itself has transformed into something […]

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July 29, 2016
3 ways technology has changed the world of sports and fitness

Over the years, technology has managed to change a little portion of every part of our lives.  We experience these changes when we sleep, when we relax, work, eat, socialize, travel… You name it, and technology has probably changed it… and only stands to change it more. One facet of life technology has changed immensely […]

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Fostering Fundamentals with Covenant Community Services

On Tuesday, July 26th and Wednesday, July 27th, ARRC Technology, in partnership with Covenant Community Services (Covenant), provided fifteen former foster youth the opportunity to attend a two-day training program called Fostering Fundamentals. During this event, they were trained by ARRC Technology and CharTec employees about the skills necessary to enter and succeed in a […]

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