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April 10, 2019
Getting Ahead of Windows End of Life

With Windows 7 end of life quickly approaching, it’s time to start thinking about what needs to be done to prepare. Technically, regular Windows 7 support has been dead since 2015, however, the extended support period is over January 2020, which means no more updates or security patches. What should you be aware of for EOL? Get ready, you may have some […]

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April 4, 2019
What Does Windows End of Life Mean to My Business?

You’ve all heard the panic. Windows is cutting off support for its widely popular version 7 software. January 14, 2020 will officially mark Windows 7 End of Life. Many companies have used Windows 7 since its onset in 2009 and are still actively using it today. That means you will need to migrate every single […]

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March 19, 2019
Beware of the “Working Dead” …

In most zombie movies, there is no antidote. No cure for their nasty zombie virus, it’s simply all downhill from there…You watch as they slowing begin to turn into the “working dead”. After the same-old, same old, day in and day out, your team quickly begins looking a lot like zombies. Soon your productivity has slowed down, along with your sense of adventure, and finally, it’s […]

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March 13, 2019
7 Signs Your Employee Is Disengaged

Unfortunately, the majority of the workforce are unengaged. Rather than work, disengaged employees are usually spending their days socializing, surfing the internet, shopping online, and possibly even job hunting. Many of the reasons for this include a lack of challenging work, too many work hours, and feelings of dissatisfaction. It really is unfortunate because employees […]

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March 5, 2019
9 Reasons Employees Hate Their Bosses

There is a saying that goes “people don’t quit their jobs, they quit their bosses.” We’ve found this to be true, especially as we talk with front line employees about the challenges they’re experiencing with technology. Now, it doesn’t usually become an outright complain fest about the failures of management, but we’ve noticed these nine […]

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