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May 15, 2019
GDPR- Should you care?

In 2018, the European Union enacted a new directive to protect its citizens from having their personal information stolen or sold known as GDPR or General Data Protection Regulation. This legislation protects EU citizens, but in reality, it is a global law at this point. Any businesses in the world that mishandle the personal information […]

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May 8, 2019
Ransomware: Why It’s Getting Publicity and What to Do About It

Even though ransomware attacks decreased in 2018, they remain a major threat in the cybersecurity landscape. So much so, that ransomware was recently featured on 60 Minutes. The story primarily covers three major instances of ransomware, two that affected municipalities, and a third that targeted a hospital.  All three were attacked in a way that encrypted every […]

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May 6, 2019
Compliance Alphabet Soup

No matter what industry you’re in, compliance acronyms are abundant, filling your days with both confusion and regulation. We call it the compliance alphabet soup. It’s time to make a little bit more sense of all those acronyms and what they likely mean for your business.  GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation): While this regulation only applies to the European Union […]

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April 29, 2019
What is the Dark Web?

What is the dark web?  Have you heard of the ‘dark web’? You probably picture a guy in a hoodie, slumped over a keyboard peering at a screen of numbers with an evil smile upon his face. Oddly enough, it’s really not as dark and creepy as the media portrays. However, the scary part is […]

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April 17, 2019
To Renew or Not Renew, That Is the Question

You’re prepared, at least mentally, to begin your migration to Windows 10 because you’ve read What Does Windows End of Life Mean to My Business? and Getting Ahead of Windows End of Life. Is your hardware ready, though? How you handle your IT (on your own, as needed support, or with a fully managed agreement) will change how […]

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