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one-man band
August 29, 2019
Small Business IT – Is the One-man Band Approach music to Your Ears?

Clarinets have a beautiful sound and range, but when you listen to a clarinet play by itself for three hours, you realize that there’s a reason why they’re usually just one part of an entire orchestra. Your business may find itself in a similar situation with your IT provider. Unless you have the most basic […]

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August 15, 2019
Working Against Each Other: Break vs. Fix

When you were a kid, did you have a bicycle? If you did, I’m sure you can recall the thrill of zooming away from home, feeling the wind in your face as well as the freedom of personal mobility. But all that freedom ended when you got a flat tire. If you were handy, you […]

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managed services don't get nickel and dimed
August 6, 2019
Don’t Get Nickel and Dimed to Death

As a business owner, you need to decide what level of IT support is right for you. Small businesses frequently operate under the “break-fix” model. Break-fix is exactly what it sounds like: you run your business normally until something breaks, then you pay an IT support company to fix it. Large corporations usually have an […]

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July 15, 2019
Are You at Risk?

We’ve talked about some of the more common threats that all businesses need to be careful of, but how dangerous is the web and how much of a risk is the current landscape? Today we’ll talk about a few of the most widespread threats that need your attention. Windows 7 End of Life When it […]

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July 9, 2019
8 Biggest Threats to Small Businesses in 2019

We still see the same scene in horror movies: the main character runs into the house, slams the door, locks the deadbolt and sighs in relief — but somehow the killer still sneaks up and attacks them from behind! If you own a small business you just might find yourself in a similar situation. Sometimes […]

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