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October 29, 2019
When Should I Upgrade My Technology?

When is the worst time to decide you need a new car? It’s probably when you’re on the side of the road in your old, broken down clunker that just won’t run anymore. Hopefully, you’ve never experienced that before. Unfortunately, businesses often find themselves in that exact situation when it comes to their computer systems. […]

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Small Business Owner
October 9, 2019
Cybersecurity Awareness for Small Businesses

If you own or run a small business you know, better than anyone, that it’s not easy work. It takes a lot of time and energy to meet the demands expected of you every week. That’s why certain aspects of running a business, such as cybersecurity, often take a backseat to other, more urgent issues. […]

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healthcare information - medical record
October 3, 2019
Hackers are After Your Healthcare Information

When you think of a hacker frantically tapping away in a dark room, who do you think he’s targeting? Banks? The government? Try healthcare information. 2018 saw three times as many healthcare-related cyberattacks as the year prior, and 2019 is holding onto that momentum. Healthcare breaches are much larger in scope than we imagine. While […]

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October 2, 2019
The Rise of Ransomware

From a technology standpoint, there’s never been a better time to be alive. Chatting with people for free all across the world or opening your front door at home while in a business meeting, it seems that our interconnected world has unlimited possibilities. Sadly, that can go really wrong when people with less than pure […]

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September 19, 2019
The Advantages of Windows 10

Do you remember driving your first new car? You drove that old clunker of yours for years, and now you’re in a sleek and shiny brand new car! It rides and handles so smoothly you wonder why it took you so long to give in and get rid of the old one. Windows 7 is […]

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