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December 9, 2019
Is It Time For a Server Upgrade?

While many of us may not physically see our servers as often as we see our personal terminals, we interact with them directly or indirectly daily. Within your office network, the server is the heartbeat of the entire system. Since we rely on them without directly interacting with them we tend to forget that they’re […]

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December 6, 2019
Windows 7 Replacement

The worst kept secret in the IT world right now is that Microsoft will end support of Windows 7 on January 14th of 2020. If you’ve been following this story at all, perhaps you’ve seen that many people are discussing this across all industries. And if you haven’t been following it, you’re probably wondering why […]

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November 26, 2019
Writing Off Major Purchases for 2019

Managing a business is a lot like managing your weight — if you take in more than you put out, then you’ll have major gains at the end of the year. And with both business and personal weight, those gains can have consequences. As a business owner, the goal is to make as much profit […]

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November 12, 2019
Utilizing a vCIO

Using technology in any business is an absolute necessity in the modern world. For this reason, most larger businesses employ CIOs to oversee the technical aspects of business, ranging from purchasing to implementation and maintenance. While this may work for large corporations, many smaller businesses find themselves without a single, dedicated IT professionals on staff, […]

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November 5, 2019
Plan Your Technology Refresh

You spend your whole life up to date with every new singer and song. Then, one day, you realize that you don’t recognize anything on the radio, and they don’t make music like they used to. You start to avoid the new stuff only listening to things from your college days. While in your personal […]

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