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June 11, 2020
Can VoIP Help Your Business

Can VoIP Help Your Business We’ve been hearing a lot of buzz lately about VoIP, or Voice Over Internet Protocol, which is just fancy jargon for an internet phone system. People are hearing from friends or business acquaintances who are using VoIP that, not only are they saving money, but this “new” technology has added […]

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June 5, 2020
Something Good: A Note to Small Businesses

At a business lunch a few months ago. Someone told us about a technique he likes to use during his daily employee meetings. At the beginning of their meetings, he has all attendees take turns telling everyone something good that happened. It can be something personal, professional, a joke, anything that shines a positive light […]

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May 29, 2020
The State of the Union: Where Technology Stands Coming Out of COVID-19

Over the past couple of months, everything has changed. Many of these changes will have ongoing impacts on our businesses. As we begin to see businesses looking toward their futures again. It’s time to take a look at the state of the union. Particularly where things stand with technology, communication, and the workforce of the […]

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May 21, 2020
Five Tips for Working in the In-Between

We’ve reached an in-between status of this quarantine. Businesses are starting to open back up (with restrictions), but a lot of employees are finding themselves in an awkward spot between working in the office and remaining at home. Doctors are utilizing video and tele-conference appointments but are holding office hours to see patients and perform […]

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May 15, 2020
No Business as Usual

Currently, there is no such thing as Business as Usual. Every day, small and medium businesses are re-inventing how they function. The most unfortunate side-effect of this COVID-19 crisis is that many small businesses have closed, and many of those will not re-open. The economic repercussions from this event will ripple throughout the landscape for […]

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