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July 16, 2020
Is Cost Holding You Back?

Managing expenses is one of the core tasks of any business owner or manager. Nothing is free, so if you want to keep the lights on and your office staffed, you need to know what’s coming in and what you’re paying out. But to run operations profitably, you might find yourself having to prioritize your […]

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July 7, 2020
Who Makes Your IT Purchases?

This month we’ve been discussing the value of updating your current technology. We are using Medical Offices as our example, but in reality, this information is important to all small businesses. In this week’s blog, we will discuss the pitfalls of sticking your head in the sand by being resistant to change. Let’s assume that […]

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July 1, 2020
Telemedicine, TeleMed, & TeleHealth

The current state of business is morphing into something we haven’t seen before. New ideas and procedures are being created every day to keep businesses running and to address these new challenges. A recent modern convenience is telemedicine. While it’s been around in a limited form for a while, current circumstances have given it a […]

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June 25, 2020
Two Ways to Install a VoIP Phone System

In our last two blogs, we’ve discussed the pros, cons, and popularity of using VoIP Phone Systems for small businesses. And we have concluded that VoIP technology is only going to become more popular moving into the future. If you’re tired of high phone bills, particularly from long-distance or international calls, then you need to […]

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June 17, 2020
The Benefits of a VoIP Phone System

In last week’s blog, Can VoIP Help Your Business, we took a look at the pros, cons, and the ease of VoIP installation, and concluded that, yes, most likely it can help your business. Today we’ll do a deeper dive into the benefits you will see by switching to a VoIP Phone System. We can’t, […]

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