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Upgrading Servers
By: arrc technology
November 19, 2020
Upgrading Servers Can Save You Money

Unless you’re running a one-man operation, there’s a high possibility that your entire business runs on a server or two. If you’ve been thinking about replacing or upgrading servers or wondering how you can improve your network performance, overall, you’ll want to continue reading. We all know that computers and other devices have to be […]

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prepare for 2021 - tax + covid-19
By: arrc technology
November 9, 2020
Prepare for 2021

We think we’re safe when we say that 2020 has been…less than ideal. After the first quarter, we quickly found ourselves — both professionally and personally — in uncharted waters. But, 2021 is just around the corner and we want to be optimistically prepared. The continuation of this month’s series of section 179 tax deductions […]

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Tax 179
By: arrc technology
November 5, 2020
Writing Off Technology Purchases for 2020

Regardless of your line of work, all businesses have one common goal in mind: to generate revenue. Of course, we all want to make a difference in the world and have satisfaction from hard work. However, if you’re not earning more than your spending, you need to make some changes. While large black numbers at […]

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working from home
By: arrc technology
October 27, 2020
The Shrieks and Chills of Working from Home

This year has been…interesting, to say the least. One minute businesses were running normally. Seemingly overnight, many of us got the work-from-home position we always wanted. Within and beyond the pandemic, many companies have been transitioning portions of their workforce to work remotely. As technology marches forward, the image of the modern office changes with […]

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VPN Security
By: arrc technology
October 20, 2020
VPN Security: Trick or Treat?

If you’ve been on the internet lately, you’ve probably  seen pretty aggressive advertising for VPN services. On paper, they seem like something that can give you anything you would want in your online browsing in terms of security and access. Continuing our Cyber Security Month series of articles, we’ll be covering this apparent modern miracle […]

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