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By: arrc technology
January 6, 2021
Automating Business Processes – How Can You Be Better?

If last year taught us anything, it was that small to medium businesses need to adapt with the times if they want to stay open. Social distancing and crowd restrictions drove all of us to figure out ways to retain our clientele without dealing with them face-to-face. Online business transactions, telecommuting, and third-party suppliers became […]

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By: arrc technology
December 21, 2020
Are Your Apps Dangerous?

Apps make the modern technology world go ‘round. If it weren’t for apps, smartphones and other mobile devices wouldn’t be nearly as useful. Of course, there are many factors to consider before using an app. You should ask yourself, could this be a potentially dangerous app? This is especially true if you’re using a device […]

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By: arrc technology
December 16, 2020
SSL & Security Concerns for 2021

Anyone with a computer is well aware of security concerns on the Internet. As time goes on, security and internet safety becomes more and more of an issue. It’s clear that hackers are becoming more advanced and will continue to find ways to steal our data. With a large part of our lives spent online, it’s just a matter of time before hackers affect you. If you own […]

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By: arrc technology
December 10, 2020
Mobile vs Virtual Office – What’s the Difference?

Being mobile has never been easier. Technology makes it so you literally have your entire office within your pocket these days. The idea of being virtual and mobile might seem like one and the same. However, these ideas are a little different, and more than the technology itself makes them both possible. This week covers […]

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Are Cookies Safe
By: arrc technology
December 4, 2020
Are Your Cookies Safe?

The holiday season is upon us and we have many things to look forward to — even if this year will be a little bit different than others. This time of year the things that come to mind include: family, holiday festivities, and of course cookies! As a Managed Service Provider, people often ask us, […]

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