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5 quick tips to create a more powerful website

By: Jaime Galvan
February 17, 2017

Building a good website for your company can be a challenge. It can be hard to take a step back and think about what your consumers want to see rather than what you want to see. And it can be even more difficult tying content and design together when you don’t have any experience building things in the World Wide Web. But a good website is attainable. Get the right help and remember the following tips, and you’ll be one step closer to a more powerful website.

Good imagery

These days, everything revolves around imagery. If it’s not pleasing aesthetically, then it’s “pass-up-able.” In other words, you only have so long to capture someone’s attention, and good imagery is the best way to do that. But this isn’t just limited to photos – it can be the way your site is laid out, the choice of font, the colors, the theme, the vectors, any of it…

Easy-to-understand content

Loads and loads of text is not appealing to the majority of online users. If they’re seeking out your product, service, or solution, they usually want to do so in a quick and simple fashion. Do you solve their problem, yes or no? If you can’t help your visitors start to answer this question in a very, very short time (like less than 30 seconds), then they’ll seek out answers someplace else.

Solid blog material

A good blog can go a long way for a small to medium-sized business. Create useful material that’s relevant to your industry but unique to your business, and your site can steadily rise in search rankings. Content Inc. calls it your Content Tilt (or, sweet spot) – building up material that incorporates a specific niche, like baking impossible desserts or using items in your pantry as makeup.

Simple navigation

Simplifying that navigation of yours is a lot harder than it seems, mainly because it requires you to cut out everything you don’t need. But when you’re immersed in a business, everything is needed. To do this effectively, you’ll need to take a walk in your consumers’ shoes (as cliché as that sounds). What are they looking for when they land on your site? What do they need quick access to and what would they be lost without? Map out the navigation of your site and get it right before you do anything else.

Impactful call-to-actions

When it comes to your website, CTAs are important. These bad boys will tell your visitors what they need to do, and if they’re done correctly, make them want to do it. In all likelihood, you’ll need to experiment with your call-to-actions. Should it flow with the theme of your site? Should you tack on an exclamation point? Should they be green or red, squares or ovals, uppercase or lowercase? What works for one company’s target market, might not work for another’s. Try something out, review analytics, and make adjustments.